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1300 784 781

About Health and Aged Assist

Health and Aged Assist, is the largest aged care placement agency in Australia with offices in Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney and able to assist with aged care placement in the other states.

We pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience in servicing the aged care industry.

We assist and partner with you if you are requiring to secure the best age care outcome for a loved one, friend, client or patient. This service forms the core foundation of our expertise. However, through this we have further developed other services which complement our core business. We have developed National Care Triage (NCT) which enables some of our clients to remain home that little longer. Our sole purpose is to provide the best possible service and options to the Health and Aged Care industry, all tailored to an individual's needs.

"Health and Aged Assist can be translated as passion for the aged care industry. We are passionate about our work and the services we offer."

Health and Aged Assist Consulting

At Health and Aged Assist, we are as great as the people we work with. We believe in working with the best people to ensure the placement process is as efficient and streamlined as possible for our clients.

We have recently introduced our own medical centres as part of our services model. One of the primary reasons is that we are now able to involve our health professionals to help secure better outcomes for our clients.

Our professional team who are all extensively experienced, possess a vast range of skills and an affinity with the aged care industry.

Health and Aged Assist Consulting

'Our sole purpose is to provide the best possible aged care services to the Health and Aged Care industry, all tailored to an individual's needs'

Click here to know all your options before making any age care decision!

Call our team on 1300 784 781 with your enquiry